Oh! Sadness. My concord grapes are not doing so well. One looks shriveled and dead, and the other has blemishes on it.
Oy me! Time to do a soil test, I know. And to add Black Krow manure. Yep! I had such high hopes of having beautiful grapes. They were doing so well for 2 months, but now the plants aren't producing any more fruit.
Garden Project Goals for 2025
2 weeks ago
Sorry for your loss. Sniff, Sniff... I dont know much about grapes except how to eat them! Wish I could be of help...
So sorry, DP. My blueberries look similar to the first shot, kind of shrively. I blame the lack of good rain. What is your watering situation?
Skeeter- thank you for your sympathy!
Frances-i agree. there hasn't been much rain here either. very sad. i wish i could water twice a day, but it's so difficult with my job situation! *sighs* Time to do another rain dance. :-)
If this is the first year growing these, sometimes they are finicky, plus they do need water. Better luck next year? Yes!
Tina- it is my first year! Maybe they will do better next year!
I can't help you there. I have no experience with berries or grapes. I do have a square foot garden though. It is the easiest way on Earth to garden. I do it a little differently though. I mulch everything,,,even my pathways. It gets really hot here on the MS Coast so the mulch helps a lot. If you get a chance, pop in and have a look at mine.
water/rain is a huge issue here in Nashville...well, lack of rain/water is a big issue. So sorry about the grapes...maybe next year...the gardeners lament!
I keep thinking it's really time to get a cistern, have a rain barrel on every down spout or only plant xeric! SIGH!
Gosh, it seems like these grow on their own up here, and in the weirdest places, very invasive.
Hiya DP,
Can't quite tell from your picture if it is botrytis or mildew or something else that has hit your grapes.
I have the oppostie problem: my vinehouse grape grows too fast and healthily. Sounds a weird problem, I know. But when you see it on the rampage, it is frightening. I now cut it back every week, so get little fruit.
One year I had the entire crop go grey and I despaired and picked it all to discard. That same day I read about wine made from what they call "the noble rot". I scraped all the fruit of the compost heap and it made a superb wine, like Toscay.
BTW, I have never ever either watered or fed my vine and have no idea what makes it so healthy. Maybe there is something buried under the glasshouse :-)
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