Remember those beautiful apples (above) from our very plentiful apple tree? By summer's end, the limbs were out of control--way too many apples. The tree had begun to slant, but it was too heavy for us to straighten out.
A few weeks ago, we picked all the apples that we could save. I made the apple jam and some apple sauce; we gave buckets of apples away to friends.
Then, recently, we started to trim the tree. We trimmed everything, and now our two once-plentiful apple trees are now just bark...
It will come back next year, and I hope the apples return as well. I have no luck with trimming trees, but the trees do look much neater now, and we've used straps to pull them up as straight as we can.
Any tree trimming/pruning at your home?
Garden Project Goals for 2025
2 weeks ago