So I've been complaining recently that I don't have enough space in my square foot garden for all the wonderful veggies that I'm growing this year . . . So Cam, being the amazing person that he is, has built me two new boxes that are twice the size of the old ones.
The original boxes were 4' x 4' (if my memory is correct), and the two new ones are 6' x 6'. I was very happy to see Cam working so hard building these boxes.
I'd like to say that I helped, but that would be a lie. LoL. I am useless when it comes to building things. I just sit on the sidelines and look pretty. =)
Below: Cam bought some nice cedar planks at Home Depot for the new boxes.

The finished product looks amazing. We used untreated wood last year, so the old boxes look really crummy compared to the new boxes. But that's OK. I am not going for architectural look of the boxes, but more of the usability.

As you can see above, we're attempting to gather together the mix for the new beds. We are using Mel's Mix, but having a very hard time finding Vermiculite. Garden centers and the big box stores just don't sell it anymore. And if they do, they sell it in tiny little packages.
Anyway, the boxes are pretty huge compared to the old ones, so now the challenge is going to be how do I reach in and harvest veggies that are in the middle of the box? That is the dilemma!
In between all our boxes, we're going to put in a stone walkway. I think it'll look very pretty when it's all said and done, and we won't have to mow in between the boxes. That will save us a lot of time!

I'd like some more boxes, so we may be building more later this season. Since it feels like spring weather outside, I think it's not too late to start planting lettuce and other leafy greens!
We bought these lettuce heads at Whole Foods in Franklin, TN the other day. We're going to make a delicious salad with it, and also plant it in our new beds. Doesn't it look yummy?
I wonder what type of lettuce it is. It's definitely not head lettuce, which we grew last year in the garden.

We also bought this greenhouse-type thing:
It was on sale for $25, and the shelves are removable.
I can't wait until the weekend to do major work in the garden!
** Update 2015 **
I no longer veggie garden, and now currently running a baby boutique called Preggie Baby Boutique. Thanks for visiting this blog! It's wonderful to see that I'm still getting visitors regularly.
The original boxes were 4' x 4' (if my memory is correct), and the two new ones are 6' x 6'. I was very happy to see Cam working so hard building these boxes.
I'd like to say that I helped, but that would be a lie. LoL. I am useless when it comes to building things. I just sit on the sidelines and look pretty. =)
Below: Cam bought some nice cedar planks at Home Depot for the new boxes.

The finished product looks amazing. We used untreated wood last year, so the old boxes look really crummy compared to the new boxes. But that's OK. I am not going for architectural look of the boxes, but more of the usability.

As you can see above, we're attempting to gather together the mix for the new beds. We are using Mel's Mix, but having a very hard time finding Vermiculite. Garden centers and the big box stores just don't sell it anymore. And if they do, they sell it in tiny little packages.
Anyway, the boxes are pretty huge compared to the old ones, so now the challenge is going to be how do I reach in and harvest veggies that are in the middle of the box? That is the dilemma!
In between all our boxes, we're going to put in a stone walkway. I think it'll look very pretty when it's all said and done, and we won't have to mow in between the boxes. That will save us a lot of time!

I'd like some more boxes, so we may be building more later this season. Since it feels like spring weather outside, I think it's not too late to start planting lettuce and other leafy greens!
We bought these lettuce heads at Whole Foods in Franklin, TN the other day. We're going to make a delicious salad with it, and also plant it in our new beds. Doesn't it look yummy?
I wonder what type of lettuce it is. It's definitely not head lettuce, which we grew last year in the garden.
We also bought this greenhouse-type thing:
I can't wait until the weekend to do major work in the garden!
** Update 2015 **
I no longer veggie garden, and now currently running a baby boutique called Preggie Baby Boutique. Thanks for visiting this blog! It's wonderful to see that I'm still getting visitors regularly.
great blog you have there, which plants are good for outdoors?
Oh how wonderful to have someone to build you things. I always have to do it myself. I have trouble enough with a four foot wide bed though. I think if I had your size I would put something in the middle I could stand on. My arms just aren't that long.
Hi 3Kingdoms, most plants, in my experience, do better outside.
Hi Daphne, Thanks for the advice. I think I will have to put a pathway in the middle to squat to pick some of the veggies!
Hi DP,
I think the lettuce in question is what they call Butter Crunch---a leaf type lettuce.
I've never had it but I've heard it's good.
Hi DP!
Boy that lettuce looks so good! I have one of those indoor greenhouses. I love it!
Congratulations on your new boxes! I'm filling a new 4x8 today for tomatoes!
I agree with Lola, buttercrunch. Very good!
Your boxes are looking good. You will have a lot of room once you get these new ones filled and ready.
They look great DP. What a nice guy Cam is!
Keep that guy around for sure! Your garden area is going to be wonderful! Love the greenhouse.
Hi DP! I've been following ur blog for a week or so now and I love it :D
I've been trying to get my boyfriend to expand my garden too! My boxes are all about 3x3 so they're pretty small but it makes reaching in really easy. I wouldn't complain about having a bigger box though! :)
I use the same greenhouse that you just got and they're perfect for my little seedlings. It's small so it keeps things really humid inside which is pretty neat.
I'm lucky to have a handy hubby to build things for me too. I envy all that nice planting space you will have this year for growing yummy veggies. :) Daphne's idea of putting a path down the center to make both sides accessible is clever. Have fun with your new planting beds.
How exciting, your garden is really growing! Love the new paths:) Those lettuce plants are darling-like rose blooms:)
Wow! That's like 75 square foot more added? Did I just make sense? Love the lettuce, I'm trying those this year, my fingers are crossed!
Nice new beds! They should bring much enjoyment. The whole foods lettuce looks a lot like a butter crunch .
Well since Lola and Roses & Lilacs already told you I don't need to say I think it is butter crunch lettuce. Boxes look great- I like the stone in between them- something I need to do as well.
You are my kind of shopper - $25 is a deal. I found a 10 foot by 12 foot greenhouse on Ebay for $350. We have all the paperwork and it is still under warranty. The orginal owners paid $4,000 for it four years ago. WHAT A BARGAIN!!!!
I love your raised beds. I am going to stop back again soon to take some notes once my greenhouse is up because I hope to add some of these to the area I am having the greenhouse installed. I have a bed that is about 40' x 60' to plant with veggies right now so I am looking forward to trying something a little more controlled like your beds.
Stop by my blog sometime.... Happy Gardening from the BGgarden.
I'm glad to see Cam made new boxes for you. Girl, you are going to have such a great garden when finished.
Ace Hardware sells huge bags of vermiculite! =)
The new beds and paths look great. I know you will enjoy them!
I also have some beds that are too wide for reaching all the way into the middle. I use stepping stones that I rearrange each year, depending on how the beds are planted. Seems to work just fine!
Hi DP, that Cam is a sweetheart, and you do a very good job of looking pretty from the sidelines! Having more space will be so fun and the plans for even more boxes is wonderful. Usually the boxes are no more than four feet so one can reach the center easily. Four by eight is a good size since most lumber comes in eight foot lengths that can be cut in half for the four foot sides. For the vermiculite, perhaps the coop? Our coop has large sizes of everything, a big savings.
Wow! Sounds like a cool job. =) What does he do at his job?
The beds look great. Definitely a good idea to cover the in-between with something so you don't have to mow. I have a greenhouse like that that I keep in the garage. I use it to overwinter potted cuttings.
The beds look fantastic! I love gravel paths...and if I weren't gardening on a slope would try them here! gail
The boxes will be an awesome addition. Cannot wait to see what comes out of them. Jim and I would love to try some variety of "hot House, and that little one you found might be just the ticket. We'll see if we can find something similar for next year. By the way, we saw you at Dan's services. Wanted to say hello but you were deep in conversation. Tell Cam Hi for me.
You really are expanding the garden this year! Everything is looking good and hopefully you can get a grip on the Broccoli eating culprit! My cabbage keeps getting munched by bugs so I know how you feel. argggg...
I hope you put landscaper’s fabric under the gravel. It looks as though I may see a piece sticking out at the end. If you don’t have it in place, the grass and weeds will grow right through the gravel. I learned the hard way on this one….
You are going to have a lot of produce this year. It is great to have Cam contribute his building skills.
I love your Boxes , We plan on installing raised boxes next year.
When I got my vermiculite for my garden the bigbox hardware store had it in with the insulation. We actually found out that they used it in our kitchen ceiling when we were tearing out the wallboard. It fell down from holes in the ceiling all while we were working! If you get the insulation variety, just make sure it hasn't been treated with anything.
looks like you are really expanding...hope you enjoy it all.
Wow, that was so impressive! I'm in the Naples area of Florida. Lettuce would jump its box and run north if I tried to plant it here, LOL.
Hello, I'm Jennifer, one of the "6", as you are, from C&G Design's 666 (awful name!) game. I think she posted it about 3 days ago.
I thought I'd visit each of the other 5 and see if they were participating. Here I am, and I must say your blog is lovely!
My blog post today is following the 6 game theme, and I hope you'll come by and visit me.
I love garden art and the way you have shown it, it is my biggest passion.
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