Cam won't stop laughing at me. He keeps shaking his head at me. I guess he knew what everyone meant. I truly thought you added an actual lime to the soil and let it deteriorate. LoL.
I really needed that laugh after being stuck at a doctor's office for 3 hours!!! Grr, aggravating day.
Anyway... I took a look at the corn plants at Cam's and noticed something unusual. Some of the corn plants are yellowing around their edges, and they haven't grown any taller for several weeks. I had decided to give up on these plants (hence the reason I planted two rows of corn at my parents' house. That corn is thriving!)
Below: What exactly is happening to the corn?
Does this mean the corn plants are about to die? Cam and I have no idea what it is. I don't think it could be an actual ear growing... Anyone know?
Hey corn did a similar thing. First off, it was quite short. I was then told that it was just the type of corn I'd planted - very short and early. Also, it got all yellowish and I thought it was dying. However, I left it alone and now there is that little silky stuff that corn starts out with. You may be in luck yet! =) Here's hoping... About the lime, I'm glad someone else besides me makes those kinds of mistakes!
I was going to ask what kind of variety? It does look like the starts of corn, I'd hold on, maybe remove the yellowed leaves. Send strength to the upper parts.
I have never tried to grow corn so no help from me on this one. I am stumped as you!
Dont feel silly about the mistake. It was a mistake anyone could have made. The real kicker would have been if you did put an actually lime into the ground and everything flourished from the acid! Now that would be funny....
You have GOT to be kidding! Actual lime to the soil? The kind you eat. Too too funny. Yeah Skeeter!
Skeeter, No I don't think it is a mistake anyone could make. I never heard of this before. lol
Hi DP, your veggies look good, don't know anything about corn though. Seed tape is paper tape with seeds imbedded in it at the proper spacing that gets planted as is. You don't need to do as much thinning that way, although you still need to do some. My carrots are far from being ready even though the tops are lush, I'm thinking into the fall for harvest. We like our zuchinni and cucumbers and beans smaller, crunchier and tastier.
Now Tina, think back when you were just learning about planting. Someone says put lime in the ground. Well, if the only lime you are familiar with is the fruit, then I could see one interpreting that as to put a lime in the ground.
Skeeter, for DP's sake-Yes, that is so true. (not really though:)
Aimee- Thanks for letting me know about the corn. I think this variety is also an early one. I'm glad this is a good thing!!!!
Dawn--I will definitely remove the yellow leaves. I hope I have at least one ear to eat!
Skeeter-Haha that would have been funny if I had done that. I guess I'm so new at this that I don't know what kind of minerals are sold to add to your soil.
Tina- I know I am so new at this!!! It's funny because to all gardeners (except for me), it's the same thing as me saying that the grass is blue. lol.
Frances-I had no idea that carrots take so long to grow! I hope I get a fall harvest too! Yum! Your vegetables sound delicious.
Tina and Skeeter- you are too funny!!!
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